
37 Free Bootstrap Form Templates You Can Try Right Now

Jamie Juviler
Jamie Juviler



As a writer, I often need to collect data and input from my clients and audience to better understand them. However, creating forms manually from scratch or customizing them was always draining until I found Bootstrap form templates.

woman uses Free Bootstrap Form Templates

The templates are super simple to set up, yet they appear professional and don’t require me to have high-tech knowledge.

Thinking about using a form to collect your customer’s information? From my perspective, Bootstrap form templates are a versatile option, whether it's for contact or orders. So, if you want to code up your own form, Bootstrap CSS is one of the best frameworks available to help.

Luckily, you don’t have to build your form completely from scratch — many developers have already built free, publicly available form templates for many different types of forms. To help you create an effective web form with Bootstrap, I’ve compiled over 30 of my favorites. Let’s get started.

Best Free Bootstrap Form Templates

In this list, I’ll share templates for the following form types:

  • Registration Forms
  • Login Forms
  • Contact Forms
  • Checkout Forms
  • Newsletter Opt-in Forms
  • HTML & CSS Forms
  • Other Useful Form Templates

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    Bootstrap Registration Form Templates

    1. Simple Sign-Up Form (Bootstrap)

    bootstrap form template example: registration form

    This first form comes from Bootstrap’s own documentation as a basic example of what a beginner can create for their sign-up flow. You can watch the video below on creating a sign-up form Bootstrap to make it easier for you.

    I like that you can easily copy the code to your website and modify as necessary to personalize this bootstrap template:

    2. Horizontal Form (Bootstrap)

    bootstrap form template example: registration form

    This second template from the Bootstrap docs simply asks for email and password, with options to complete a radio button or checkbox field as well. I think it’s great that this template includes the bubbles and check boxes if you need those for your form — all you have to do is change the text!

    3. Register Form (vosidiy on Bootsnipp)

    bootstrap form template example: registration form

    This professional registration form is one of my favorites made with Bootstrap and resembles the look of many popular web apps. I think the accompanying icons for each form field make it a bit more user-friendly, plus the social login option is clearly visible.

    I had fun changing the colors of the buttons with the CSS right on the Bootsnipp site:

    modifying colors on bootstrap form

    4. Reg Form V1 (Colorlib)

    sign up form bootstrap template

    Colorlib offers several free, quality Bootstrap templates, including this simple registration form. It features a blue background, a space for an image, and five text fields that you can modify.

    Note: You need to provide your email address to download the bootstrap form codes from Colorlib.

    enter email to download bootstrap code from colorlib

    5. Reg Form V2 (Colorlib)

    sign up form bootstrap template

    Here’s another registration form template from Colorlib that positions the image beside the form instead of above it, if that’s the layout you’d prefer. Otherwise, all form fields are the same.

    6. Wizard 1 (Colorlib)

    sign up form bootstrap template

    Colorlib also offers several multi-step forms which you can use for registration, account creation, or checkout. This one takes you through the process of setting up an account and manages to look sleek while staying mobile-friendly — which is a big plus, in my opinion.

    7. Wizard 10 (Colorlib)

    sign up form bootstrap template

    This wizard form from Colorlib appears as an overlay to a background image, making for a modern, minimal feel. Again, it’s great for sign-up, sign-in, and checkout flows while giving you the opportunity to personalize the backdrop.

    8. Registration Form (Bootstrap 5 Validation) (Sam Norton on CodePen)

    sign up form bootstrap template

    Another simple but effective registration, this Bootstrap template flips the colors and works well for any dark-themed website.

    9. Registration Form With Photo (Epic Bootstrap)

    sign up form bootstrap template

    This template incorporates a more prominent photo next to the form, a simple sign-up process, and a color scheme you may be familiar with if you’ve ever rented a stranger’s vacation home for the weekend.

    10. Signup Page (Creative Tim)

    sign up form bootstrap template

    If you want to include a social sign-up in your registration form, which can encourage more users to sign up with the easy options, this Bootstrap template will give you that option. Plus, its bright orange background stands out against any background image.

    11. Bootstrap Inline Form (W3)

    bootstrap form template example: registration form

    It doesn’t get much simpler than this inline form template from W3, which you could use for a registration form or be adapted for a newsletter call-to-action (CTA). Either way, I like that the single-line layout allows it to fit in a header or footer.

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      I found it was super easy to modify the code through W3 by simply pressing the “Try it Yourself” button. I simply changed the words from email to name and name to email, then pressed “Run”:

      bootstrap form code

      12. Sign-Up/Login Form (Eric on CodePen)

      bootstrap form template example: registration form

      This form takes on a more boxy appearance and works well as a modal. Also, note its dual purpose as a sign-up or login form, toggled at the top. I like that the CodePen page has the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript all laid out for you.

      13. Bootstrap Form (Christian Brill on CodePen)

      bootstrap form template example: registration form

      While the bright blue might be a bit much for some, this layout is another great choice for a modal or pop-up. However, I discovered you can quickly change the colors by updating the in the CSS — you can easily adjust them to fit your brand colors!

      changing the color codes for bootstrap sign up form

      14. Flat Bootstrap Form (Liliana Brissos on CodePen)

      bootstrap form template example: registration form

      Flat layouts are very common in web design today. I like that this template incorporates the aesthetic nicely, with the occasional hint of color to guide the eye from one step to the next.

      Bootstrap Login Form Templates

      15. Login Menu Form (Bootstrap)

      bootstrap form template example: login form

      Bootstrap’s own example of a login menu is straight to the point. It’s a great starting point for building your own sign-in page. Conveniently, you can copy the code from Bootstrap by simply pressing the “Copy” button in the corner so you can paste it into the backend of your website — and modify it as you see fit.

      16. Login/Registration Form Transition (Nikolay Talanov on CodePen)

      bootstrap form template example: login form

      This login form template is a bit more elaborate but still contains all the essentials: an email and password field, a sign-in button, a “forgot password?” prompt, and the option to sign up or log in with Facebook. I think this last feature is especially handy for users. Plus, the sidebar offers an option for new users to make an account.

      For those who want to use this template but modify it for your brand, I experimented with changing the image. All I had to do was find the “image” description in the CSS and replace the old web address with the web address of the new image:

      changing image in bootstrap form

      17. Login Form v1 (Colorlib)

      bootstrap form template example: login form

      Colorlib has a set of simple, stylish login form templates built with Bootstrap that are free and fully customizable. I like that this one allows you to place any image to the left and keeps everything contained in one window.

      18. Login Form Dark (Epic Bootstrap)

      bootstrap form template example: login form

      Fans of dark mode, give this form a try. It’s minimal, modern, user-friendly, and easy on your eyes. I appreciate the buttons on Epic at the top corner that allow you to toggle from the result to the HTML to the CSS:

      toggle buttons to see the bootstrap code

      19. Form Line (pablocorezzola on Bootsnipp)

      bootstrap form template example: login form

      Speaking of minimal, here’s one more login form template with a flat design. This form is so stripped-back that you could turn it into virtually any kind of form you want by modifying any part of the code.

      Bootstrap Contact Form Templates

      20. Untitled (Sebastiao Solimenes on CodePen)

      bootstrap form template example: contact form

      The fewer items you put in your contact form, the more likely users are to complete it. This super basic form template has only four options and a compact layout that can easily fit in the sidebar of your page.

      21. Bootstrap 3 Contact form with Validation (Jay on CodePen)

      bootstrap form template example: contact form

      This popular CodePen snippet provides all the forms your contact form will need to collect visitor information while validating user input to ensure it’s in the proper format before submitting. As a non-coder, I found it was easy to eliminate form fields so you can modify it for your purposes:

      eliminating fields in bootstrap contact form

      22. Contact Form 1 (Colorlib)

      bootstrap form template example: contact form

      Unsurprisingly, Colorlib has you covered with Bootstrap contact forms, too. There are four fields here, with a prominent image, a clear send button, and rounded sides on the input fields to make the form appear friendlier.

      Bootstrap Checkout Form Templates

      23. Address Form (Bootstrap)

      bootstrap form template example: checkout form

      In my experience, checkout forms can be tricky, since there are several necessary fields that accept different formats. Bootstrap provides a basic form template to get started — it includes the fields that users need when submitting a shipping address.

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        I wanted to play around with this one, but I’d have to copy and paste the code into my terminal to do so. However, the code is all there and ready to be adjusted to meet your needs!

        24. Bootstrap 4 Credit Card Form (Bootstrapious)

        bootstrap form template example: checkout form

        You can pair the last template with this one in order to accept both addresses and payments. I also like the toggle switch at the top that lets users choose their preferred payment method.

        Bootstrap Newsletter Form Templates

        25. Sliding Labels for Bootstrap Forms (Alessandro Falchi on CodePen)

        bootstrap form template example: newsletter form

        This form features some cool animations with its form labels. Give it a try if you want to go the extra mile with your form design. I found it super easy to play around on CodePen to change the wording, font, and color.

        modified form

        26. Inline Form Bootstrap (Yoris on CodePen)

        bootstrap form template example: newsletter form

        Or, opt for the simpler (but still effective) approach of a mobile-friendly inline newsletter form for collecting leads. Users just need to give their name and email address to get on the list.

        HTML & CSS Bootstrap form templates

        Since Bootstrap form templates serve as a framework, they often come with pre-defined HTML and CSS components, making it easier for developers and non-developers to build forms.

        That’s why I’ve come up with some of my favorite templates that you can use for your website:

        27. Sortable Drag & Drop Multi-Select Form

        bootstrap form template example: HTML & CSS form

        With this form template, you can easily move around the fields and place them according to hierarchy. Obviously, the drag-and-drop functionality allows you to pick and place your fields in the selected fields section. I found the form to be quite responsive, especially when I made changes to the fields within the code, as shown below:

        bootstrap HTML & CSS form code

        These forms can be good for considering your users’ choices so they can pick which options they want. Although the template has eight options for available fields, you can add more as you please.

        28. Hotel Survey Form

        As the name suggests, this form template can be used to gain insights from your hotel guests regarding their stay and other aspects of your hotel.

        bootstrap form template example: HTML & CSS form

        What I like: I like how this form already includes most of the fields you would require for such a form. This makes it easier for anyone looking to use a similar survey form. You can also change the colors to fit your branding.

        29. Form Validation

        This form template makes it easy for anyone to understand how the form works, regardless of their technical level. You can use this template for any surveys or as a feedback form so that users can return even when they haven’t completed it the first time.

        bootstrap form template example: HTML & CSS form

        30. Bootstrap 4.1.3 Form Validation

        Like the previous template, this form only submits data when the user fills in all the fields below. As you can see in the code, you can customize these fields, including the message that comes up when you put in a valid or invalid response.

        bootstrap form template example: HTML & CSS form

        What I like: I’m impressed seeing all the required fields in the form, especially if you’re using it to collect visitor information.

        31. Step Form

        Since this is a step-by-step form, you can only move to the next step once you’ve completed the previous one. This template can be useful for a job or even a school application form.

        bootstrap form template example: HTML & CSS form

        What I like: In my opinion, since the steps are already set up, it becomes easier to define what each step would entail. You can use parts of code from previous form templates to set it up.

        Other Bootstrap Form Templates

        32. Bootstrap Form (Stefan Pater on CodePen)

        bootstrap form template example: modal form

        This button-triggered modal is ideal for placing a user’s focus entirely on your form, free from distractions. I suggest you just make sure the purpose of your form is worth pulling attention away from the rest of your site’s content for a moment.

        I like that users have to click the button to get the form, and with the code in CodePen, it’s simple to modify the wording of the CTA:

        changing the CTA button in the code

        33. Booking Form V1 (Colorlib)

        bootstrap form template example: booking form

        Do you run an event or lodging website? This booking form template from Colorlib is perfect for your homepage or landing page, with simple fields that work perfectly well out of the box.

        34. Meeting Booking Form (Chaiyachet on CodePen)

        bootstrap form template example: meeting booking form

        Meeting bookings are another common use for web forms. Adapt this form template for room bookings, meeting bookings, or even event bookings on your site.

        I think this is a great form to use as a framework if you need to ask for date and time.

        35. Bootstrap 4 Request Quotation Form Wizard (Omkar Bailkeri on BBBootstrap)

        bootstrap form template example: quotation form

        Allow visitors to request quotes with this user-friendly, mobile-friendly quote request form. I like that the progress bar at the top keeps them engaged through each step of the process, ensuring more users actually reach the end. I also like that it has required fields so that users will provide all the information you need.

        Note: I couldn’t see or modify the code without making a pro account on BBbootstrap. If you want to make multiple forms using the templates on BBbootstrap, I think it’s totally worth it. If not, I’d recommend going with a different free template on this list.

        36. Sample Bootstrap Form (Dendi Sunardi on CodePen)

        bootstrap form template example: sample generic form

        This multi-column template is another option that can be adapted to your site. It's best for lengthier forms with more required fields. Once again, with CodePen, I found it was easy to modify the field labels in the code to suit your needs:

        modifying the code on the bootstrap form template

        37. Reset Password Form (Ihor Sukhorada on CodePen)

        bootstrap form template example: reset password form

        Finally, this template lets users reset their passwords. The last thing users want to do after losing their password is fill out unnecessary fields, which is why this form has exactly one input and one button. I appreciate that this form gets straight to the point!

        Now that you’ve looked at these form templates, depending on your needs, you can pick and choose whichever works for you. You can also try merging some of the template code to see if that’s feasible for you. Here are some more you can explore to understand how these forms work.

        Build Better Forms With Bootstrap

        When building any kind of site, you need to consider mobile users alongside your desktop users, which means considering responsive design from the start.

        What I found great about working with Bootstrap form templates is that there’s a form for almost every scenario. You don’t always have to create your form from scratch; all you need to do is add some customizations, and you should be good to go.

        The Bootstrap framework ensures your pages are always mobile-friendly with little extra work required from you, the developer. And, with the right form, you can worry less about design and more about sign-ups, submissions, and conversions.

        Editor's note: This post was originally published in June 2022 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

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          Topics: Form Templates

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