
The Non-Comedian's Guide to Using Humor in Sales Meetings

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Emma Brudner
Emma Brudner



A joke is a great way to kick off a sales meeting or call, but nothing's worse than delivering a quip that doesn't get laughs. That's why many salespeople sidestep humor entirely -- too risky.

However, you don't have to be Amy Schumer to tell a good joke (but if you're friends with her, please email me). Injecting humor into a presentation is simple if you follow the five rules in below. For instance, salespeople might be hesitant to poke fun of themselves, but self-deprecating humor (rule #2) actually ingratiates you to your audience. 

Flip through the deck to learn how to bring the LOLs to your next sales call, meeting, demo, or presentation. 


Topics: Humor in Sales

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