
The 7 Biggest Time Wasters in Your Sales Process

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Emma Brudner
Emma Brudner




If you're in sales, the saying "time is money" is especially relevant. Choosing to spend time with one prospect over another could be the difference between crushing quota and missing it by a mile. When your job is to bring in revenue, prioritization of tasks and opportunities is absolutely critical.

But salespeople are human, and humans inevitably get distracted. No one can be productive for every single minute of an eight-hour work day. Sales reps fall into patterns that waste time, just like everyone else.

It's okay to goof off for a few minutes by checking Facebook or reading that Buzzfeed article everyone is talking about. But sometimes, reps waste time without even knowing it. For example, they might do too much pre-call research to put off picking up the phone. Or they might wait ... and wait ... and wait for a response from a prospect because they don't know if the contact received an email. Maybe they're saddled with mounds of paperwork or manual data entry, which takes a toll on their active selling time.

Add a few of these small time wasters up, and they amount to a big problem in the sales process.

The following infographic from lists the top seven time sucks in a salesperson's process. Everyone in a sales organization, from BDR to VP, should be aware of these treacherous time wasters so they don't eat away at you or your team's selling power.

Click the image below for the full infographic:

Topics: Sales Process

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