
Salespeople Only Spent One-Third of Their Time Selling Last Year [Infographic]

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Emma Brudner
Emma Brudner



Did you read the title of this post? Yikes.

This scary statistic comes from study, which uncovered a gap between what's hurting sales productivity and what's being done about it. 

Sales and marketing professionals agree on one thing: Content brings in contracts. Fifty-seven percent of survey respondents cited high quality content as a top driver of sales

In light of this statistic, it would behoove companies to spend time organizing their marketing and sales enablement content libraries for easy rep access. Unfortunately, this is not the case. While 84% of respondents indicated that content search and utilization was the number one area that could improve sales productivity, only 35% of companies are actively working on this issue. 

And this understandably leads to wasted time. According to the study, 31% of reps' time is spent searching for or creating content, and 20% on reporting, administrative, and CRM-related tasks. Only one-third of their day is actually spent selling. Docurated's infographic summarizing the research also covers how much money companies typically spend per rep to improve productivity, and what department (if any) owns productivity initiatives. 


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