Your relationship with a prospect doesn’t end when they become a customer. In fact, the period after you close that first deal can be critical to ensuring the long-term health of you and your customer’s relationship.
Are they happy? Are their needs being met? Has their success (or failure) with your product left them hunting for additional products or replacements?
It’s crucial to know the answers to these questions. They will signal whether the time is ripe to ask for a referral, a recommendation, an upsell, or even do some damage control. So besides the fact that it’s just good manners to stay in touch with someone who’s given you business, it’s the smart thing to do as well.
The infographic below from outlines the three types of post-purchase emails sales reps can send to prospects. Leverage each type according to the situation, and make sure to stay in touch -- you never know what opportunities for future sales you could discover.