
How to Craft a Sales One-Liner That Stops Buyers in Their Tracks

Leslie Ye
Leslie Ye



Value, value, value. It’s the key to modern selling and one of the only thing buyers care about when making a purchasing decision.

But conveying value isn’t always easy. It can be confusing to separate what a product is from what it does and what that means for buyers.

The important thing is to think about form, function, and value separately. Here’s an example:

  • What the product is: An umbrella
  • What the product does: Shields its holder with a dome of waterproof fabric
  • What the product offers: Prevents buyers from getting wet in the rain

The last sentence is by far the most compelling. I also most clearly explains why a prospect would want to purchase an umbrella.

An effective value proposition functions much the same way. , a good value proposition acts as “the main reason a prospect should buy from you and not from your competitor.”

So how do you put one together? There are three steps to writing a great value proposition:

  1. Identify customer benefits.
  2. Link benefits to value offering.
  3. Differentiate and position yourself.

And as you write, keep in mind that the best value propositions have four key characteristics. They are easy to understand, communicate specific results, explain how a product is different (and better), and can be read and understood in under five seconds.

Check out the full infographic below for more value proposition tips and tricks, and be sure to peruse QuickSprout’s curated selection of five companies with top-notch value propositions.

Topics: Sales Pitch

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