
How Not to Suck at Sales Meetings [Infographic]

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Emma Brudner
Emma Brudner




Salespeople have a staggering amount of meetings to attend, both internally and externally. When they're not checking in with their managers or picking up tips from their coaches, they're presenting to prospects or visiting with customers. With all that time tied up in meetings, it's critical that each runs as smoothly as possible. 

In a perfect world, every meeting would have a well-defined agenda and result in clear and actionable takeaways. But as anyone who's been in any sort of meeting knows, this isn't the case. As the following infographic from SalesCrunch shows, the sad truth for salespeople is that meetings can be more of a time suck than hours well spent.  

And speaking of "spend," holding or attending pointless meetings can be costly -- both in money as well as time. When a weekly sales meeting is broken down into the associated cost per attendee, the average check-in can boast a price tag of $350 per hour. And the number climbs as the level of seniority rises -- a senior management meeting costs a whopping $1100 per hour.

Can you afford not to optimize your meetings? If these figures have scared you into action, learn how to streamline your presentations and check-ins by perusing the data below.


Topics: Sales Meetings

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