
The Art of Inbound Storytelling [#InboundLearning Webinar Series]

Mark Kilens
Mark Kilens



Hi everyone! This is John Bonni from . We’re super pumped to be hanging at 探花精选 on December 3 and 10 for two #. 

Every marketer today needs to answer the same tough question.

How do I stand out?

You may think your marketing faces more nuanced challenges. You might persist in the notion that your core problem is something altogether different. But really, everything else is just a variation on the same old theme.

If you:

  • Need more website visits 
  • Need more leads
  • Need more social media followers
  • Need more revenue

...you’re not alone.

But there’s an answer to this age-old problem. And it’s the oldest story in the book.

It is, in fact, all about telling stories.

Brands that can tell a remarkable story stand apart from the rest. It doesn’t matter what size company you are, what industry you’re in, or what competitive pressures you face. It all boils down to this:

How good are you at storytelling?

The best storytellers know exactly who they are -- in business we call this our “niche” -- and who they’re talking to -- also known as your “audience.” They don’t just know their niche and their audience, they know them inside and out. They’re as comfortable talking about them as you might be talking about your own hometown. You know where it is on the map. What its past was like. What its future might be. Where the town lines are. What separates it from its neighbors.

Do you know your niche and your audience this well?

Your customers want you to tell them a story. They want to know where they fit into that story. They want to be appealed to on an emotional level.

They want you to make them care.

Story is how we make sense of the crowded shelves at the grocery. It’s how we decide which cable provider to go with or which laptop to buy. It’s how two national franchises – Dunkin’ Donuts and Starbucks – can carve out unique audiences and both remain extremely profitable, even if some of their outlets are located within spitting distance of one another.

I’m very excited to be joining two of my friends over at 探花精选, Mark Kilens and Jay Acunzo, as co-hosts for an exciting new called The Art of Inbound Storytelling, starting on December 3.

to learn how to:

  • Identify your brand’s story
  • Differentiate your brand and discover its unique qualities
  • Develop a story that resonates with your buyer personas
  • Create a consistent brand message
  • Incorporate storytelling into your entire content strategy

I hope you can join us!

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