
Finding Free (and Legal) Images for Your Blog Posts

Training Blog



creative commons cats

During yesterday's Blogging Content Camp, there were many questions posed by the attendees about image selection.  Several campers wondered where they could find free images and some were concerned about copyright protection and how to properly provide attribution. Here are some suggestions for next steps with awesome image choices.

Finding images is simple with Flickr or Wikimedia

Images that have been made available for use through a Creative Commons license can easily be found on or . Just type in a search term that describes the image you'd like to find, take a moment to learn what is for the image you like best, and insert it into your post with the necessary attribution.

Some other sites that provide free images include:

If you're looking for specialty images, try these sites:

- Images that will blow your mind.

- Terrific for that global appeal.

: If you like engravings from old books!

: Textures and backgrounds

: Bugs, insects and more.

Want to start finding images for your blog posts on Flickr? Check out this 1-minute tutorial on searching for Creative Commons-licensed images on Flickr created by Beth Dunn, 探花精选's Customer Content Developer.


Image credit:

During yesterday's Content Camp (#3 Blogging), many questions were posed by the attendees about images and included where to find images, knowing which images to use, and wondering about copyrights.  And, because many new bloggers use (which is usually fairly restrictive with its copyright terms), here is a quick overview of some sites you can use to augment your blog posts.

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