What do all have in common?
While 探花精选 customers come from a wide range of different industries, sectors, and locations, the all share a passion for great content creation, and for using 探花精选 best practices to convert their most qualified blg readers into leads and sales.
Are they blogging secrets? Not any more they aren't.
Secret #1 - Target Long-tail Keywords
Successful bloggers have identified what long-tail keywords their most qualified visitors are likely to be searching for, and they tend to be disciplined about blogging on those topics.
First, be sure that you're providing useful content on the topic of your long-tail keywords, not just stuffing them meaninglessly into your posts in an effort to improve your visibility on search engines. Create interesting, useful, relevant content that will keep your readers coming back for more.
Then, once you've optimized you content for human beings by making sure it's interesting and useful, optimize it for search engines by inserting your long-tail keywords into the most important locations in your post.
- Post title
- Subject headers
- Image alt text
- Tags
- Meta Description
Try to focus on just one long-tail keyword per post, so that search engines and readers know precisely what that page is about.
Secret #2 - Encourage Engagement
Go beyond just providing information -- solicit feedback from your readers and generate an interactive experience by encouraging conversation in the comments and on social media sites.
Autopublish your blog articles to your Facebook wall and your Twitter account, and initiate discussions about your blog content on those platforms.
Try to end each blog article with a question. Monitor your blog comments and respond to them when appropriate. Pivot off of particularly interesting blog comments by basing your next blog article on them, and linking back to the original comment.
When your readers feel like they have a voice in your inline content, they are far more likely to keep coming back, and to engage more deeply with the rest of your site.
Secret #3 - Convert Readers Into Leads
End each blog article with a related Call to Action. If a visitor has read all the way to the end of an article, chance are pretty good that this visitor will want to read more about that same topic.
Find out what blog content seems to resonate most with your readers by checking on your engagement stats in Blog Analytics. Make sure you have tightly related offers centered around your most heavily traffic blog topics and pace these offers behind forms, each on its own landing page.
Now place a Call to Action, linking your readers to your related landing pages, at the end of each blog article. Go through your archives of blog articles and make sure these have relevant CTA buttons on them, as well.