
The 5 P's for Building a Powerful Brand [SlideShare]

Jami Oetting
Jami Oetting




Most of us spent numerous hours -- either in college or after we landed our first marketing job -- learning about the 4 P's: product, place, price, and promotion. 

E. J. McCarthy, a professor at Michigan State University, presented this view of the marketing mix in 1960. And while the ideas are still relevant, it may not be the best blueprint on which to base your marketing efforts in 2015.

A lot has changed -- both for brands and their relationships with consumers. Maybe it is time to reconsider how a brand can gain market share quickly and win consumers' hearts and minds. How can we build powerful, long-lasting brands? 

created this SlideShare to discuss what it considers the new 5 P's of marketing. Click through to discover a new model for marketing:

Topics: Branding

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