Finding the right search professional can be dizzying. Claims of site traffic increase, elevated page rank, backlinks, higher conversion rates and number one search positions are blasted from many SEO sales sites and email pitches. While these results are the ultimate reasons for engaging a search team for a client’s website, it can be difficult to determine which consultants or search companies achieve these results through bad practices and who has enough experience to understand the complexities of achieving the end goal.
Things to consider:
Be wary of guarantees, especially those that guarantee specific rankings.
A search professional should be able to explain and, in some instances, show how they obtain results in a clean “white hat” way. This includes you being able to show your client what backlinks have been published.
Reporting and analysis of the results should be a part of the ongoing search project, and this data should be used to showcase the value of the work to your client and the ways in which adjustments might be made to improve results.