
Don't Ever Say These 5 Things to Your Clients [Infographic]

Emma Brudner
Emma Brudner



Sales is all about talking, but there are some things that should be left unsaid. Recognizing when it's time to expand on a topic and when it's time to hold your tongue is a talent learned with time.

However, no matter how long you've been in sales, some of the most problematic verbal misfirings can still work their way into your speech. This infographic from details five of the worst to eradicate first.

For instance, buyers today expect salespeople to show up knowing quite a bit about them and their companies. So a pitch that starts with "Pleased to meet you, Mark Zuckerkorn. I'm really excited to tell you how I might be able to save FaceBlast some money," is probably doomed for failure.

Check out the five things you should never say to a client below, and internalize them before you unintentionally put your foot in your mouth.

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