Steve Ratti
Steve is the Editor-in-Chief of He began his career at J. Walter Thompson USA producing video presentations for last-minute new business meetings, overly caffeinated client brand reviews, schizophrenic creative “rip-o-matics” and chest pounding chairman speeches. And as you could imagine, he was bound to catch something with all that going on. That something turned out to be the new business bug. Since then, Steve has headed up new business at some of Manhattan’s most respected ad agencies either as a director or advisor. These shops include M&C Saatchi, Berlin Cameron United, Margetoes|Fertitta+Partners, RDA International and Cheil Communications. After having won dozens of accounts in almost every category representing hundreds of millions of dollars, Steve started The Ratti Report where he is the Editor-in-Chief. On the side, Steve likes to keep his new business chops sharp so he offers new business consulting services to all his readers.